A ministry of Bethlehem Covenant Church, we knew we have been called by Christ to be his witness "in Judea, in all of Jerusalem and Samaria and to the ends of the earth' (Acts 1:8). While our Judea and Samaria will be different than the original locations, we desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus both locally and globally. These are just a few ways we serve our community and beyond:
Community Closet - The Community Closet meets need through donations of new and gently used clothing. Through our partnership with District 145 school, need is addressed through the guidance counselor's offices. Bins to donate gently used clothing and new socks/underwear can be dropped off at the Intermediate School and High School in Waverly. All donations stay in your local District 145 communities! Thank you for your ongoing support!
Backpack Program - Working with the local Food Banks and Church support, we provide backpacks of food to students in District 145 both throughout the school year on weekends as well as throughout the Summer. Local fundraisers, like the annual Hen Hustle Run and others, also give financial support to help purchase the food needed for the program.
Covenant World Relief - Partnering with our Covenant denomination , we join many other churches in supporting Missions work around the world through things like Covenant Kids Congo, 6k Walk for Water and More!
Samaritan's Purse "Operation Christmas Child" - Each November we pack nearly 100 shoeboxes full of gifts, hygiene items and school supplies to be sent around the world through Samaritan's Purse to give to kids that might not otherwise receive a gift or hear the good news about Jesus!
BCC supports its church family by giving resources or time to many other different missions as well like the ReIntergration Program, sponsoring children through World Vision and more!